Statute of the association
Art 1 :
It is founded between the adherents to the present statutes an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901, having for title:
Solidarité Vercors, Sport sans Frontières.
Art 2 – PURPOSE :
To help sportsmen and sportswomen whose country is in serious crisis (war, failing economy, loss of freedom ...), by allowing them to practice their sports activities in good conditions on the territory of the Vercors, for periods ranging from a few weeks to several months.
This support would be aimed at minors or adults, of regional, national or even high level.
The help could take several forms: reception, logistics, financial support and moral support.
If the means of the association allow it, the radius of action could extend to the whole national territory.
In more detail, the help can be for example :
To organize and welcome foreign athletes with or without the necessary support for the practice of their sports.
To accompany young sportsmen who would like to integrate a school course on the territory of Vercors.
Helping athletes who have equipement needs.
All the help, the reception and the various supports will be done in the respect of the laws in force. If possible in collaboration with the original sports federation.
The association is apolitical and non-religious.
The head office is located at 245 route des Colombets 38112 Autrans Méaudre en Vercors at Mr Azambre Stéphane.
It can be transferred by simple decision of the office.
The duration of the association is unlimited.
The association is composed of :
a) Supporting members
b) Adherent members
c) Active members
The association is open to all, without condition or distinction.
Adherent members are those who have committed to pay an annual fee of 5 €.
Active members are those who regularly participate in the actions carried out by the association.
Benefactor members are those who make a donation, in cash or kind, to the association.
The active members, adherents and benefactors, acquire this quality by decision of the office which rules, during its meetings, on the requests for admission presented.
Membership is lost by:
a) Resignation;
b) Death;
c) Expulsion by the Board of Directors for non-payment of dues or for serious reasons, the interested party having been invited (by registered letter) to provide explanations before the Board and/or in writing.
The resources of the association include:
1° The amount of the entrance fees and the membership fees. Only the adherent members and the active members pay the membership fee. For the active members the contribution is optional.
2° The subsidies likely to be granted by the state, region, departments, community of commune, municipalities... etc.
3° The association will carry out economic activities to meet its needs and to achieve the objectives of article 2, such as the sale of products and objects, the receipts generated at the time of the lucrative events organized by the association. Auction sales (e.g. sale of objects donated by high level athletes).
4° gifts that the association can receive from patrons because of its purpose under the conditions provided for in Article 238 bis of the General Tax Code.
5° Manual donations.
6° All resources authorized by the laws and regulations in force.
he ordinary general assembly includes all the members of the association in any capacity.
It meets every year in June.
At least fifteen days before the date fixed, the members of the association are convened by the secretary. The agenda appears on the convocations.
The president, assisted by the members of the board, presides over the meeting and presents the moral situation or the activity of the association.
The treasurer reports on his management and submits the annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss account and appendix) for approval by the assembly.
The general assembly determines the amount of the annual contributions and the entrance fee to be paid by the different categories of members.
Only the items on the agenda may be discussed.
Decisions are taken by a majority of the votes of the members present or represented (or of the votes cast) and up to date with their subscriptions.
After the agenda has been completed, the outgoing members of the board are replaced.
All the deliberations are taken by a show of hands, except for the election of the members of the board.
The decisions of the general assemblies are binding on all members, including those absent or represented.
The members mentioned in article 5, a, b and c have the right to vote.
If necessary, or at the request of half plus one of the registered members, (or for example at the request of a quarter of the members) the president can convene an extraordinary general meeting, according to the modalities foreseen in the present statutes and only for modification of the statutes or dissolution.
The modalities of convocation are the same as for the ordinary general assembly.
The deliberations are taken by a majority (or two thirds) of the members present (or of the votes cast).
Art 12 – LE OFFICE:
- a president
- a treasurer
- a secretary;
- the founding members;
If there is a lack of volunteers, a member may have more than one function; e.g.: a secretary may also hold the function of treasurer.
The functions of president and treasurer are not cumulative.
All functions, including those of the board, are free and voluntary. Only expenses incurred in the performance of their mandate are reimbursed on the basis of receipts. The financial report presented to the Ordinary General Assembly shows, by beneficiary, the reimbursements of mission, travel or representation expenses.
Internal regulations may be established by the board of directors, which then has them approved by the general assembly.
These rules are intended to determine the various points not provided for in the present statutes, particularly those relating to the internal administration of the association.
In the event of dissolution pronounced according to the terms of article 12, one or more liquidators are appointed, and the net assets, if any, are devolved to an association with a non-profit purpose and similar goals, in accordance with the decisions of the extraordinary general assembly that rules on the dissolution. The net assets may not be transferred to a member of the association, even partially, except for the recovery of a contribution.
Article – 16 LIBERALITES :
The association undertakes to present its registers and accounting documents to the administrative authorities at any request concerning the use of the donations it is authorized to receive, and to report to them on its operations.
The present statutes were approved by the Constitutive Assembly of June 6, 2022.
"Done in Autrans Méaudre en Vercors, June 6, 2022
Signatures of at least two representatives (name, first name and function), necessary for the formality of declaration of the association.